Today we tested our solar cookers by cooking beans. Although this smaller solar cooker seems flimsy, and flew over in the wind until I tied it down, it cooked much better than the larger, sturdier cooker. The dry beans took about 5 hours to cook. Everyone kept stopping by to check on the progress of the food. I think we need to put the pots inside glass or plastic to retain the heat better and cook the food faster. Before I leave we are going to make some cardboard templates. Then they will practice cooking with the solar cooker, and, if it works well, they will teach the mother's union workers in the parishes about how to use the solar cooker. Its been a fun project.

I like it, a free slow-cooker. Maybe a large glass jar big enough to leave upside-down over the pot?
Put your dark pot inside a plastic bag. An oven cooking bag is temperature resisitant. You can use an normal plastic bag if you fashion a small frame to keep the pot from touching the pot. More info on how to do this here:
http://solarcooking.wikia.comTom Sponheim
Solar Cookers International
Thanks! The website is very informative and very helpful. We can't find any oven bags here in Bushenyi we are planning to look for some when we are in Kampala.
Everyone here has been really interested in the solar cooker technology. Hopefully Mother's Union will do some good training in field so that they will be used successfully.
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